CS 542: Computer Networks

This is the system level core subject. I learned in depth about IP,TCP,UDP and ARP including the concepts of classless and classful addressing, subnetting, forwarding and many more

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

CS 525: Advanced Database Organization

This is the Programming level core subject. gained the indepth knowldege of what happen behind the hood when we execute the query on database software. I also learnd how the data is stored on disk and how it is retrieved through declarative language like SQL

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

CS 587: Software Project Management

covers the fundamental concepts of managing software projects, both traditional and agile software project management are covered. As a part of syllabus All phases of the project management lifecycle, including project initiation, project planning and control, project status reporting and reviews through project completion and post project lessons learned analysis. this course also covered the modern concepts of DevOps and MLOps

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

CS 429: Information Retrieval

This is one of the application based subject which covers all the underline fundamentals including databases, natural language processing and machine learning. Its all about how the search engine works. starting from basic query processing to ranking principles and different approached of retrieval of information

Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

CSP 554: Big Data Technologies

In the era of exponential increase in the quantity of structured and unstructured data created the essence of Big Data Technologies. This Course is covering different models, architectures, databases and most importantly their own use cases.

Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

CS 584: Machine Learning

Starting from Classification and Regression it ended up with advanced topics like Deep Neural Networks and PCA. Also learned how different optimization techniques including cross validation, feature selection, regularization and tuning the gradient descent.

Jan 2024 - Apr 2024