Performica (f.k.a Sportan): Sports Performance Analysis


Our project is dedicated to individual sports players, coaches and team sponsors to analyze and improve the performance of team


→ Which team has highest winning percentage ?

→ Which 11 player in cricket can make worlds strongest cricket team ?

→ How Moneyball concept can make a poor team a champion team ?

→ which location in basketball court has highest probability of converting the basket ?

→ What is the impact of salary on team performance and vice-versa.

→ How wearables can help in collecting useful information for individual performance

→ Which team will win the tournament or race ?

Answer is here in this project……

How to Run

First of all download the code through below

  git init
  git clone

🔗 Let’s Collab

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Note: Because of inactivity from long time this link can take longer time to open the project


📚 Thesis

Tech Stack

Programming Language: Python

Data processing: Numpy, Pandas

Data Visualization: Matplotlib,Seaborn, PowerBI

Web Scraping: Bright Data

Deployment: Streamlit